Village Administrator
Village of Blissfield, Michigan
The Village Administrator serves as the chief administrative officer of the village government and is responsible to village council for the administration of all matters placed in the administrator’s charge by the authority of the Michigan General Law Village Act, being Public Act 3 of 1895, other state statutes, Section 140.000 of the village code of ordinances, and other village ordinances and policies.
Some responsibilities of the Village Administrator include:
- Attend all village council meetings
- Carry out policies and resolutions of the council
- Ensure proper enforcement of village laws and ordinances
- Keep the council advised of the financial condition, administrative activities, and future needs of the village.
- Provide reports as the council may require concerning the operation of the village
- Manage and supervise all public works, buildings, roads, utilities, improvements, and other undertakings of the village
- Oversee village services and make related recommendations to the council, boards, committees, and commissions
- Prepare and submit an annual budget and capital improvement program to the council for approval and adoption
- Supervise and coordinate day-to-day activities and work of all departments of the village except the Office of the Village Attorney
Residents, business owners and visitors are welcome and encouraged to call, email or write the Administrator with concerns, questions, comments and ideas or just to talk.
Press Releases
Blissfield Awarded MSHDA Housing Readiness Incentive Grant
Blissfield Parks & Recreation Light up the Park
Village of Blissfield joins the Forest to Mi Faucet Initiative
LaSalle Group Inc. files Lawsuit Against Village in Lenawee County’s 39th Circuit Court |
Village of Blissfield Water Notices and 2023 Consumer Confidence Report
Village Administrator
Danielle Gross
Appointed: July 12, 2021
Phone: (517) 486-4347
Fax: (517) 486-4069
FY 2023-24 Budget
2023-24 Adopted Budget Preparation Calendar
2023-24 Adopted Village Council Goals and Objectives
Adopted FY 2023-24 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)
2023-24 Adopted Fee Schedule (Revised 11.2023)
FY 2024-25 Budget
2024-2025 Adopted Budget Preparation Calendar
2024-2025 Adopted Village Council Goals & Objectives
2024-2025 Draft Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)